How Should Honey Infusions be Stored?
Although honey is a super-food, it is not a supernatural ingredient. The mixture of herbs and spices in it makes the honey more susceptible to get contaminated with moisture and other unwanted substances.
To avoid such circumstances, honey infusions should be sealed properly after opening and should be stored in a cool and dry area. The addition of moisture or water to it will make the honey go bad and lead to a fermentation process that produces a sour aftertaste.
Why Does Foaming Occur in Honey Infusions?
Honey infusion is a combination of herbs and spices with raw honey. This process includes the mixing of ingredients together which leads to the formation of bubbles and froth in the honey. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs during the processing and packaging of these honey infusions.
When packed in containers, the natural ingredients get infused together and produces a unique and delicious flavour in the honey that gets enhanced with time. The longer you keep your honey-infused, the stronger the flavour will be.
What Is the Shelf-life of Honey Infusions?
The flavour of any honey infusion becomes intense with time. It is preferred to use the honey infusion within six months from the manufacturing date because when kept for a longer duration, its taste can become extremely strong which may not be preferred by some.