We are using the same lean startup methodology for Zizira as we did when starting up Chillibreeze in 2005. We didn’t know what customers wanted so we moved forward more or less in a fog searching for opportunities. With intensity we found customers through the internet and went to work. We focused on selling and delivery work.
The money we earned was used to buy the next computer, hire the next person and build the website to attract more customers. Step by step we learned what customers wanted and served them. We discovered what services our best customers appreciated – said no to some and began to build a long term competitive advantage. We stayed lean – hardly wasting a rupee.
We Followed the Lean Startup Methodology
Zizira will follow the same discipline and strategy. The goal is to sell and learn quickly. We will get some products to market quickly – discover the opportunities and evolve. We will discover if we have a viable product and the kind of customers to zero-in and what problem we are solving for them. We don’t want to rent an expensive building or borrow money only to discover no one wants to buy the products we create.
Instead we will follow a lean startup methodology. This means we create products quickly and launch them into the market to see if customers buy them. The plan is to create prototypes and test the market. All actions need to lead in creating prototypes, testing the market and refining our products.
Find out what is unique about Meghalaya and the potential of the land. Download ebook.
Read more of my startup journal.