Benefits of Black Sticky Rice | Zizira

5 Health Benefits of Black Sticky Rice

As you would have imagined, black sticky rice is a dark colored rice that changes to a mellow purple once cooked. The first glance at it shouts out...
Brown Rice – The Health Benefits You Are Missing

Brown Rice – The Health Benefits You Are Missing

For a long time, the only rice that we have been used to seeing and eating is the typical white rice. But of late, there has been a growing awarene...
Garcinia Pedunculata, A Tropical Fruit That Grows in Meghalaya

Garcinia Pedunculata, A Tropical Fruit That Grows in Meghalaya

Garcinia pedunculata is known commonly as Sohdanei in Khasi, the language of the Khasi tribe of Meghalaya. It is a traditional wild fruit found in ...
Why We Love Rocambole Garlic - And You Should, Too!

Why We Love Rocambole Garlic - And You Should, Too!

Garlic is believed to have been cultivated for over 5,000 years. The Romans believed that it could cure as many as 61 different ailments!Garlic can...
Unpolished and Nutrient Rich Khasi Sticky Rice

Unpolished and Nutrient Rich Khasi Sticky Rice

In India Sticky Rice Is Grown Only in the Northeast States Short grained rice with a sticky texture is grown among the hills of Meghalaya using nat...
Sohphlang – A Unique Tuber of Health Meghalaya

Sohphlang – A Unique Tuber of Health Meghalaya

Rich in phosphorus and protein this pale white, shapeless produce is not very attractive to look at. But this seasonal vegetable (or should we say fruit?) is much loved for its crunchy taste. Not many eat it thinking it is good for them, but because they love its feel on the tongue and down the gullet.
Cinnamon from Meghalaya

Meghalaya Cinnamon Carries the Goodness of Health and Taste

Cinnamon is a versatile spice. It not only adds a fragrant flavour to your specialty foods and dishes (and tea), it is also a preservative and has several medicinal qualities that make it highly sought after, especially in the West.

Meghalaya, a state in the Northeast of India, with its beautiful hilly terrain, is home to naturally grown cinnamon. Zizira, based in Meghalaya sources cinnamon directly from the farmers we work with.

Sohphlang - Healthy Vegetable and Cash Crop of Northeast India

Sohphlang - Healthy Vegetable and Cash Crop of Northeast India

Sohphlang, Flemingia vestita is one of the local vegetable found in Meghalaya, Northeast India.

It is a nibble food, probably a comfort food too.