Plants and Their Benefits

14 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Green Tea
Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world and India accounts for 25% of the total tea consumption. India, even though a consummate tea-drinkin...

Microgreens - Why we should add them to our diet?
If you haven’t heard about microgreens, then here’s something about them that will excite you! These are tiny greens that are not only flavoursome but chock full of phenolics and beneficial nutrients that you can add to your soups, salads, sandwiches and even pizzas!

Artemisia Annua – A Promising Herbal Remedy for Malaria and More
What’s Artemisia Annua or Sweet Wormwood?
It’s an annual herb that belongs to the plant family of Asters (Asteraceae). If you didn’t know it, you might mistake it for a common weed, such as the common
China is its native place but now we find it growing all over the world. Sweet wormwood or Artemisia annua thrives best in temperate and cool climates and higher altitudes.

Lantana Camara a Camouflaged Treasure Trove - Benefits & Uses
Lantana camara is a perennial flowering plant found in tropical areas. It is indigenous to America and Africa but can be now found as an exotic spe...

Valerian Jatamansi, The Herb For Sleep, Serenity & Wellbeing
Our ancestors left us a legacy we can all still bank on, their wisdom about plant remedies for dysfunctional situations. There was no empiric...

Power Your Immunity and Health With Rynsun Khasi - Rocambole Garlic
Rocambole garlic or Rynsun Khasi is one of the spices that is considered to power your immunity. It has remarkable medicinal benefits for health.

What These Common Spices From Meghalaya, India Can Do For Your Health
We can’t imagine food without spices. Even the simplest of meals changes character with just a wee bit of spice. Lets learn about them from the city of spices in India.

These Two Great Traditional Teas From Meghalaya Can Help You Energize And Lose Weight
Forgotten traditional teas from Meghalaya - sha sohdanei and cha hade. They taste unique and may help boost your immune system and enhance your body’s defense against diseases.

Sugar Vs Honey: Here are 3 Reasons Why Raw Honey is a Healthier Choice
Is honey a natural sugar? Learn 3 reasons why raw honey is a better choice than sugar.

Valeriana jatamansi: A high-value beneficial herb
Most of us are used to treating ailments with pharmaceutical pills of one sort or another. The idea of using plants as medicine would seem outdate...

The North East Spice Basket
What comes to our mind when someone says Indian food? Spicy! Right? Do you wonder where do the spices come from? Why our ancestors incorporate...

Is Wintergreen Plant an Anti-inflammatory Herb? Let's Find Out
You can't escape mishaps like sprains, muscle cramp and joint pains.
What can you do when you have these problems upon you?
Yes, your first instinc...